Tier III Customized Training


One-month of customized, personalized training designed for athletes looking to hit their PR or achieve their peak performance. This package comes with unlimited video analysis, unlimited access to Matt via text/phone, and is designed for athletes who want a high level of support to reach their goals.

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Tier III Customized Training includes:

  • Includes sport-specific training as well as other training modalities as needed (gym workouts, mobility, etc.)

  • One-hour video call to discuss desired outcomes, progress updates, or injury notes

  • Workout sessions designed around your daily routine

  • Customized workouts to fit your goals

  • Taper & specific conditioning for specific events or goals

  • Access to Matt via text, phone, & email at all times during the month to answer your ongoing training questions

  • Unlimited video technique analysis

  • Mindset training & ongoing discussion cadence for continued improvement

  • Personalized competition planning & unlimited access to Matt the week of competition

Tier I Customized Training
Tier II Customized Training